
Pressure Relief Valve

Product Details:
Model Name/Number 1260A
Size 2″
Pressure 15 psig
Material SS
Usage/Application Industrial

Pressure Relief Valve Model 1260A is for use where pressure relief is required and all relieving vapors must be piped away. Tank relief, to avoid tank damage, is controlled by a spring or weight loaded pallet in the valve housing. Pressure relief valves help provide increased fire protection and safety. The Model 1260A can also be used for in-line vacuum relief where flanged inlet connection is required.Back pressure in the system must be considered when using flow curves.


  • The flanged outlet connection allows escaping vapors to be piped away, instead of released directly to the atmosphere
  • Peripheral and central seat guides ensure reliable, repeatable performance
  • A wide seat and air-cushion seal keeps leakage low long after the valve is put in service
  • Self-draining housing body and drip rings protect seating surfaces from condensate and freezing, increasing operational reliability
  • Fluoropolymer seating diaphragms are standard to minimize sticking caused by resinous vapors and atmospheric moisture